30 APRIL 1945



NUMBER. . .54)

      In accordiance with the provisions of VD Circular 333,22 December 1945 and as approved by Commanding General,First United States Army,the following units are cited for outstanding performance of duty in action against the enemy,these units are entitled to a citationstreamer;individuals assignedor attached are autherised the award of the distingished unit badge or oak leaf cluster therete,whichever is appropriate. the citation follows:


      The lstt Battalion, 36th. Armored Infantry Reginent is cited for outstanding performances of duty in action against the enemy in Germany during the period 12 to 22 September 1944. The 1st. Battalion, 36th. Armored Infantry Regiment, on 12 September 1944 was assigned the mission of supporting an armored task force in its drive to smash the defence of the Siegfried line. Anti-tank obstacles retarded the progress of armor, and the battalion was commited to overrun stnongly fortified defensive positions overlooking the obstacles. In two days of fierce fighting against a determined enemy the 1st. Batta1ion 36th. Armored Infantry Regiment succeded in overpowering enemy defenses and penetrating the first fortified belt of the "West Wall". Over difficult terain overlooking the second fortified belt this fighting force then attacked to force a bridgehead through the second belt of dragon's teeth. Vigorous hostile aotion was counterbalanced by an insuperable urge to close with and destroy the enemy wherever found. Against tremendous odds the battalion succeeded in establishing a bridgehead and for three days repulsed vigorous enemy counterattacks launched against it in an effort to break the battalion's foothold north of the dragon's teeth on critical terrain. On 18 Septenber 1944, after infantry elements on the left and right failed to advance, the 1st. Battalion was given the vital aission of withdrawing from its salient and attacking the strongly fortified town of Munsterbusch. Its. fighting spirit undimmed, the 1st. Battalion withdrew under pressure, launched the assault. The enemy poured deadly fire into its ranks inflicting severe losses on the attackers. The enesy fought savagely which often resulted in hand-to-hand combat. Despite enormous louse incurred in this offensive the let Battalion allowed the enemy no respite. Defending the town stubbornly the enemy employed tank, mortar, artillery, and automatic weapon. fire and fanatically held their positions until either killed or overpowered by by unrelenting pressure. During the period 12 - 22 September 1944 the 1st.et Battalion demonstrated extraordinary heroism, exhibited gallantry, deteraination and espirit de corpe in overcoming unusually difficult and hazardous conditions. The unconquerable spirit displayed by the let Battalion, 36th Armored Infantry Reginent in attack missions against important objectives made possible none deadly blows against the eneny on German soil.

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