After the heavies had completed their mission, the P-38's were dive bombing enemy positions. Thru error they also bombed the area between Btry A and Btry C, dropping 6 bombs, 3 of which failed to explode. There were no casualties resulting from the bombing.
In the attack of CCB, 2nd Lt. Talmadge was FO with CO D, 33rd AR. His medium FO tank was knocked out by mines. The track and boggles were blown off and the underside of the tank cracked by the blast. There were no casualties in the section.
Pvt. Patrick Fitzgerald, Hq Btry, killed in action by friendly bomb, Pfc. Seth Thomason, Hq Btry, was lightly wounded by friendly bomb and evacuated. Pvt. Allyn E. Morgan, Hq Btry, lightly wounded by friendly bomb but remained on duty.
Riding around in a peep that morning through Busbach, Breinig, Kornelimunster, Mausbach, Zweifall, hardly a field without an artillery battery in it long toms, 4.5's, 8 inch bows, ifs bows, 4.5 rocket tubes, hundreds o f guns, the greatest mass o f guns yet. Down between Breinigerheide and Stolberg, all the tanks of CCR were laid and ready to fire. A slight haze intensified the feeling of tension-something about to crack loose, like a dam breaking and spilling over.
At a quarter to twelve, the bombers came over, droning, droning and the tension, snapped as the bombs spilled out and lit on Hastenrath and Scherpenseel and all hell broke loose from Kornelimunster to the front. Square miles o f artillery positions belched. At the OP at Krewinkle, an hour later, one could see the tanks moving out through the mine fields through the dust and smoke. A few stopped, the tracks blown by mines, some infantry half tracks bogged dozen in the swamp. An hour later, Werth was taken. But the Krauts weren't going to give here. In December, we found out why.
17 November 1944
CCB attacked at o73o hours to secure the objectives of Hastenrath and Scherpenseel. The left force entered Hastenrath at 1010 and began mopping up the town. The right force entered Scherpenseel at 1315 and began mopping up the town. This force was counterattacked by infantry at 2135 hours but the attack was repulsed without loss of ground.
The battalion remained in position northwest of Zweifall with firing batteries in position - A and C east of Breinigerberg, and B east of Breinig. The battalion was in direct support of CCB TF 1. The 58th Armd FA Bn remained in position near Busbach to give direct support to the continued CCB TF 2 attack.
The battalion fired light harassing fire in the early morning hours. During the afternoon, night of the 17th and early morning hours of the 18th, the battalion fired heavy harassing fire-expending 143o rounds. In all the battalion fired 37 missions this date- 2 on enemy activity, 1 on infantry, and mortars, 3 on enemy batteries, 2 smoke concentrations, 12 on guns, 5 harassing missions and 2 registrations. Total rounds expended this date: 2972. The fire on enemy gun positions was reported very effective. The positions were neutralized.
In the afternoon, 2nd Lt. Yell (FO) received orders from the Ln O of the 58th Armd FA Bn to join him in Scherpenseel. Three medium tanks from 1 Co, 33rd AR in charge of Sgt. Stevens led the way - Lt. Yell followed with his light tank. At the edge of Scherpenseel the lead tank was knocked out by fire from an AT gun. The crew dismounted and it was decided that a defensive position should be taken up there for the night. The houses were cleaned out netting two prisoners. Lt. Yell took complete Charge. Radio communication with FDC of this battalion confirmed the position of the group. Lt. Yell planed defensive fires for the night but his radio went dead and the fires were never fired. Lt. Yell himself in surveying the situation took two prisoners. One of these was carrying overlays of our own friendly positions. During the night any movement or sound from the beleaguered group brought mortar and small arms fire down on them. There was one casualty from mortar fire. At 0530 18 November another tank was knocked out by bazooka fire causing 4 casualties - 1 killed, 3 wounded. A little later Sgt. Eck and Tec 5 Kriniak, both of Hq Btry, volunteered to return thru the enemy lines to bring aid to the group. They returned to Werth, capturing one prisoner on the way, and led a company of infantry back to the besieged group.
2nd Lt. Yell left Co B, 33rd AR and reported to Co 1, 33rd AR as FO. 2nd Lt. Dervinskas left OP 3 and reported to CoB, 33rdArmdRegt as FO replacing Lt. Yell. The battalion received a medium tank to replace the FO tank knocked out by the mines.
18 November 1944
CCB continued to defend the objectives Hastenrath, Scherpenseel, and Werth. Mopping up operations were conducted in Hastenrath. At 1745 the 1st Bn, 33rd AR was counter-attacked by infantry. Heavy artillery concentration was placed on the attacking force and by 1900 hours this attack had completely died out. Fighter bombers of the IX TAC supported the 3rd Armd Div during the day attacking 3 enemy artillery positions and knocking out one tank. Enemy activity consisted of constant pressure on CCB including heavy artillery and mortar fire.
The battalion remained in position northwest of Zweifall with firing batteries in position - A and C east of Breinigerbcrg, B cast of Breinig. The battalion was in direct support of CCB TF 1. The battalion fired 27 missions this date: 4 on guns, 3 harassing missions, 5 on infantry, 1 on vehicles, 3 on tanks, 5 on enemy activity, 3 on counter attacks, 1 preparation, 1 smoke concentration, and 1 registration. The battalion set a new record for total rounds fired in one day - 3722 rounds - more than 3oo better than the previous record set back in Normandy. The fire from this battalion aided in breaking up three separate counter-attacks-803 rounds were fired on one counter-attack. The effect was excellent-the attack was broken up. The battalion fired heavy harassing fire during the night
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