The battalion displaced forward with the attack of Task Force Welborn at 0700 hours and displaced rapidly going into a coil east of Saundershausen at 1000 hours. The battalion displaced forward again at t5cc hours and closed in position for the night at 1545 hours at Beyernaumberg.
  • 13 April 1945
    Task Force Welborn attacked at 0700 hours and advanced against moderate resistance until halted by direct fire from 88 mm duel purpose guns in the vicinity of Wolferode. After overcoming this resistance the force continued the advance knocking out numerous 88's. The town of Eisleben was declared open and no resistance was encountered there. Polleben was entered at 1300 hours against moderate resistance. In this town a PW camp was overrun and 430 British PWs including over 300 officers were liberated. The force continued to advance and at 1515 hours entered Friedeburg, cleared the town and put infantry across the river and had a bridge under construction by 2400 hours.
    Task Force Lovelady attacked at 0700 hours and advanced rapidly against light resistance reaching Helfta at 0830 hours, where heavy flanking fire from 88 mm guns, bazookas and SP guns was encountered. Helfta was cleared and at into hours, the infantry was being worked into Unterdrissdorf where heavy fire from 88's halted the advance. At 1430 hours the advance continued but the bridge across the Saale River had been blown as the column had advanced. This force halted for the night and prepared to follow Task Force Welborn over the bridge being constructed at Friedeburg. Operations Memorandum 45, Headquarters Third Armored Division, 13 April ordered construction of bridge over Saale River during the night of 13-14 Aprii by the 23rd Armored Engineer Battalion. Units were to cross immediately upon completion of the bridge and coil on the east bank until H hour when all units would continue the attack.
    The battalion displaced with the attack of Task Force Welborn at 0700 hours and marched until l000 hours when the battalion closed in positions at Bornstedt. The 183rd Field Artillery in the 391st Field Artillery groupment followed behind this battalion and closed in positions in this area. The town of Wolferode was occupied by enemy infantry and anti-tank guns. The groupment laid heavy fire on the town. This battalion fired a total of 850 rounds of mixed HE impact and WP shells. The battalion displaced forward at 1300 hours and closed in position at Freist at 1700 hours. At dusk Second Lieutenant Root was ferried across the Saale River with the infantry establishing a bridgehead to give, supporting observed fire to the bridgehead forces if required.
  • 14 April 1945
    Task Force Welborn crossed the Saale River as soon as the bridge was completed at 0700 hours, coiled on the east bank, and attacked at 0915 hours against light opposition at first. The force quickly knocked out spotted resistance and advanced rapidly to the west bank of the Mulde River. Patrols pushed forward in an effort to secure a bridge across the river intact.
    Task Force Lovelady crossed the Saale River behind Task Force Welborn starting at 0835 hours and attacked east at 0915. This force ran into anti-tank fire immediately upon moving out. Strong resistance consisting of small arms and anti-tank fire was encountered throughout the day.
    The battalion displaced with the attack of Task Force Welborn at. 0845 hours from positions at Freist, crossed the Saale River on the pontoon bridge and marched rapidly throughout the day. The battalion closed in position for the night 1 mile northeast of Lingenau, and awaited the construction of a bridge across the Mulde.
    Just west of Tornou the battalion was strafed two times while on the road. About 1400 hours 10 ME 109's flew over the column, circled and then drove down out of the sun and strafed across the column. The vehicles quickly dispersed into the open field and opened fire with all 50 caliber MG's. At 1415 hours as the battalion pulled off into the field three ME 109's strafed across the column. These planes were followed by a P- 51. The P- 51 shot down 1 plane and the ack-ack another. The battalion suffered 5 casualties.
  • 15 April 1945
    Task Force Welborn lifted artillery fire on the bridge across the Mulde River at 0445 hours and sent a patrol to investigate the bridge. The bridge was blown and the site strongly defended. A company of infantry and a company of tanks were moved into position for a crossing. Infantry crossed on the wreckage of the blown bridge and bridging equipment was moved up. Task Force Lovelady attacked east at 0600 hours and advanced against moderate to heavy resistance from small arms and bazookas. One battle group was sent to clear the town of Thurland and the woods north from there to make contact with Task Force Welborn. This force killed 80, captured 255 and destroyed 1 SP gun. The battalion remained in position 1 mile northeast of Lingenau awaiting construction of the bridge across the Mulde. The battalion received light artillery fire near the positions. No casualties were inflicted by this fire. The battalion fired 20 missions this date: 1 on infantry and machine guns, 1 on a town, 6 harassing missions, 6 on infantry, 1 on mortars, 2 smoke concentrations, 1 on a building, and 2 registrations. Total rounds expended this date-999. Mortar positions were reported neutralized.
  • 16 April 1945
    TF Welborn continued mopping up operations in its zone, held the bridgehead over the Mulde River and continued bridging operations. Bridge construction was impeded by difficult terrain at the south approach and harassing enemy artillery fire.
    TF Lovelady cleared Thurland and Kleinlipzig during the day and eliminated resistance in Raghun, Priorau, Marke, Schierau, and Siebenhausen.
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