22 April 1945
TF Welborn continued to maintain defensive positions and secure its zone. Elements of the Goth Inf. Regt. (9th Inf. Div.) relieved TF Lovelady at 1615 hours and this force moved out of the division area.
The battalion remained in position 1 mile northeast of Lingenau in direct support of CCB. Division Artillery fired a 21 volley salute to the Russians at 1200 hours. All division artillery and attached artillery fired in this salute-the
target was the town of Mildensee. A mixture of impact and white phosporous was fired. Brigadier General Budinot (CCB) and Lt. Col. Garton observed the mission from the cub planes of this battalion. Col. Brown (Div Art Comdr) observed from a Div Arty plane. Results were reported as excellent. In timing the gun sections for the 21 volleys, the fastest gun was 6th section of Btry B (Sgt. Wicklund) all rounds on the way in 65 seconds. The last gun to cease firing was the 2nd section of Btry A in 1 minute and 45 seconds.
You know that salute we just fired to the Russians? Well, two guys just came in from Mildensee on the other side of Dessau where we beat up the town and wanted to surrender the town? We told 'em to wait for the Russians. Man, I don't blame them wanting to give up after that salute landed there.