• 24 September 1944

    Brigadier General Maurice Rose, Commanding General, Third Armored Division, visited the area this date, presented awards for heroism in action to the officers and enlisted men of this battalion, and gave a short talk to a group which had assembled. The following awards were presented: Silver Star-Lieutenant Colonel George G. Garton, First Lieutenant Johnny W. Forston, Private First Class Mike V. Grighlnos, Battery C, and Private Johnnie C. Hislop, Battery B. Oak Leaf Cluster to Bronze Star: Technician Fifth Grade Dillon C. Summers, Headquarters Battery. Bronze Star: Lieutenant Colonel George G. Garton, Major Walter D. McCahan, Captain Robert E. Ham, First Lieutenant Johnny W. Forston, Second Lieutenant William J. R. Overath, Staff Sergeant Theodore Marik, Headquarters Battery, Sergeant Reinhold A. Wetzel, Battery A, Sergeant Theodore Sarna, Battery B, Technician Fourth Grade Elisha F. Wornell, Battery A, Technician Fifth Grade John M. Ligner, Battery A, 486th AAA Battalion, 'Technician Fifth Grade Francis E. Moses, Battery B, Technician Fifth Grade Robert V. Breymeyer, Battery A, Technician Fifth Grade Roy T. Brown, Battery A, Private First Class Nicholas Brink, Headquarters Battery, Private First Class William J. Mazurek, Headquarters Battery, Private First Class Albert M. Mayer, Battery A, Private Charles R. Corbin, Jr., Battery A, Private John W. Holley, Battery B. Air Medal: Second Lieutenant Thomas J. Kelly and Staff Sergeant Lester W. Hardgrove, Headquarters Battery.

  • 30 January 1945

    Major General Maurice Rose, CG, Third Armored Division, visited the area from 1000 to 1045 hours and presented members of this command with awards earned in battle. The following officers and men received awards: Silver Star: Technician Fifth Grade Raymond B. Kriniak, Technician Fifth Grade Albert J. Zubrickas, and Private Stanley C. Gibson; Bronze Star: Captain John L. Shelton, Captain Paul H. Bowdle, Captain Fred A. Peters, First Lieutenant William W. Paris, Staff Sergeant Marigon Golles, Technician Third Grade Roy G. Naylor, Technician Fourth Grade Reuel S. Whipple, Technician Fifth Grade Raymond B. Kriniak, Technician Fifth Grade William R. Taylor, Technician Fifth Grade Charlie L. Vittitow, Technician Fifth Grade Harold McAllister, Technician Fifth Grade Leo A. Zemitus, Private First Class Harold M. Cargot, Private First Class Stanley A. England, Private First Class Paul P. Krupa, Private First Class Marshall R. McBride, Private Jerome Ballet; Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal: First Lieutenant Lester W. Hardgrove (1st, 2nd and 3rd oak leaf clusters), Second Lieutenant Theodore Marik, and Second Lieutenant Victor W. Grottlisch; Air Medal: Second Lieutenant Theodore Marik, and Second Lieutenant Victor W. Grottlisdh.

  • 18 March 1945
    The 3rd Armored Division held a division presentation of awards at the Sports Palace in Cologne, Germany. A small audience from the battalion attended the ceremony. The flag and battalion colors and the color guard came from Battery B. The following officers and enlisted men from this battalion were presented awards at this ceremony: Silver Star: First Lieutenant William J. R. Overath, Second Lieutenant Charles E. Yell, and S/Sergeant Edward V. Cartwright, Jr.; Bronze Star: Captain Claude H. Crafts, First Lieutenant William H. Smith, S/Sergeant Edward V. Cartwright, Jr., S/'Sergeant Michael P. Taggart, S/Sergeant Victor E. Meerstein, Sergeant Henry A. Derhakc, Technician Fifth Grade Leo J. Kallal, Technician Fourth Grade Thomas J. Lattinville, Jr., Corporal Roland L. Mmece, Technician Fifth Grade Clarence C. Olson, Private First Class William T. Whitten, Private First Class John P. Wood; Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal: First Lieutenant Thomas J. Kelly, First Lieutenant Lester W. Hardgrove, Second Lieutenant Theodore Marik, and Second Lieutenant Victor W. Grotlisch; Air Medal: Lieutenant Colonel George G. Garton.

    Statistics Days in Active Combat Rounds Fired 239 170,100 (Highest in 3rd Armored Division) Personnel Killed 21 Awards Silver Stars 28 Bronze Stars 133 Clusters 6 Purple Hearts 144 Clusters Air Medals 11 Clusters 27 Croix do Guerre Miles travelled in Combat 1391 Greatest Advance in one day 102 miles Attached Units Battery A & D 486 AAA Battalion 58th Armored Field Artillery Battalion 197th Field Artillery Battalion 118th Field Artillery Battalion 87th Armored Field Artillery Battalion 32nd Field Artillery Battalion 981st Armored Field Artillery Battalion 54th Armored Field Artillery Battalion 898th Field Artillery Battalion 83rd Armored Field Artillery Battalion 400th Armored Field Artillery Battalion Battery D, 413 AAA Battalion 183nd Field Artillery Battalion 991st Armored Field Artillery Battalion 67th Armored Field Artillery Battalion.

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