This is a story about a lady looking for
information as to what happen to her
grandfather and how he died during
World War II.
After much research and
the assistance of ex squad leader S/Sgt.
Jim Cullen who not only knew him but
saw him killed in action.
Helen Hedrick
supplied the pictures of Leo and Leo
and Connie.(no Bonnie & Clyde)
Pfc Leo E. Deering |
Leo & Connie |
While during research on Mortain I received and E-mail from Helen & Mark Hedrick inquiring about Helen's grandfather; Leo E. Deering who was killed August 10. 1944.
I did a search and found two Deerings from E Co. 36 Inf. Killed on the same day. Each had there own serial number.and both were from the State of Missouri The AMERICAN BATTLE MONUMENTS COMMISSION listed a Lee H. Deering from E/36 killed August 10, 1944.
Helen and Mark Hedrick stated that Leo E. Deering's body had been returned to the U.S.
After the war the personal effects of Leo and Lee were sent to the reverse families. They since have been exchanged. Helen and Mark after finding out about the two Deering, wondered if there were really two Deering or their names got mixed. And then if their bodies got mixed.
I contacted my friend Jim Cullen whom I knew was a Squad Leader in E/36. He answered.
Charlie- The Deering in my squad was Leo. We called him "Chowhound" I never heard of the Lee fellow until I saw his name in the 36th Directory. At Mortain, I was told (ordered) to take a small patrol and find out what was happening in the next hedgerow. I decided to go myself and picked one man to go with me--Deering. Halfway across the field a German M.G. opened-up on us. Deering got hit. I visited his grave just after the war ended.
Helen and Mark are now satisfied about learning the truth about Helen's grandfather.
We all thought it was odd; two Deerings in the same Company killed the same day at Mortain and both from the State of Missouri.
Click Here For More Details Of His death By Jim Cullen.
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