Interview With Leroy Hanneman


My name is LeRoy Hanneman and I served in Hq/23rd. Engineers almost five years. During World War II, I remember entering Germany, going through Roetgen and coming up to the dragon teeth.  Our assignment was to fill in the hole where the Bridge was, after being blown up before the Germans left. Elick Zak, Hq/23rd. was the bulldozer operator. There were rails sunk in the ground so a vehicle could not pass, that we pulled up. We did our job and waited for the Task Force to come up.

CORBIN: Leroy did you observe any person or any landmarks while you were there?

HANNEMAN: I did observe a man, maybe from the signal corp. patching some lines.

CORBIN: That must have been me as I came back from on top of the Dreilagerbach dam to restore our phone line.
Our men from the RO/FO half-track had taken cover in some sort of block building, from heavy shelling.

HANNEMAN: I did notice a building that was more like a stable or storage shed.
We did not hang around very long after the main column passed as we were called to do another job.

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