The Villa Epilogue at the edge of Parfondruy, a hamlet of Stavelot as it
looked in 1944, beside the road to Coo, Beligum
View from the Ambleve of The CP of Lt Edmark and A/391 RO
The view from my OP showing the railroad track, the Stavelot Trois Ponts road
and the Ambieve

This house down the hill from us was Headquaters of Col. Gustav Knittel
The bridge crossing the small stream leading to the Chapel and Stavelot.
The road from Stavelot going to Parfondruy on Left, Ster and Moulin du Ruy on Right.
Historians Serge Fontaine, Charles Corbin, Mike Rennalds, and Henri Rogeister
standing in front of house that I used as an observation post from the top
window. They did a good job of patching up the shell hole left of the window.
The Villa Epilogue, view from the front.
The road to Parondruy from the Stavelot Trois Ponts road.
The front door to the room between the house and the born where the
German SS Soliders mudered 15/16 people.
This is the back door of the room where the people were murdered.
The dark spots of blood stains still remain on the cement floor.

Charles Corbin and Monique Thonon standing in the side of the Villa Epilogue.
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