Sgt. Pool started his war serviceas an armored tank mechanic and worked his way through the ranks to become a full-fledged tanker. His first tank was named In The Mood. When that Sherman tank was shot out from under Pool, he climbed in another, named it In The Mood II and went back into combazt. In The Mood III was also destroyed beneath him and his tank crew in the 83 days days of combat in which Pool led the 3rd Armored Division on 21 full-scale attacks. Pool's tank crew destroyed 258 enemy armored vehicles during the fighting from Normany, France, to Aachen, West Germany. He personally captured 250 Prisoners and killed more than 1000 enemy soldiers.
Sgt. Pool lost his right leg when “In The Mood III” was shot out from under him.
He was twice recommended for Medal Of Honor. He received the Distinguished Service Cross, the Legion of Merit and the Frenck Croix de Guerre with the gold star.
When he was asked about being re-recommended for the Medal Of Honor, Pool
Said he did not want it if it could not be gotten for his entire crew.
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